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 2 La Touche, Bill.
Book Laaser, Ulrich, 1941- Pilot research project on urban violence and health : determinants and management ; a study in Jakarta, Karachi and conurbation Ruhrgebiet. HM886.P55 2001 IN
Book Laba, Billai. Plumes from paradise : trade cycles in outer Southeast Asia and their impact on New Guinea and nearby islands until 1920. Ref.HD9429.F42N49 1996 IN
Book Labaree, Benjamin Woods, joint author. New England and the sea. HF3151.A65 1976 IN
Book LaBarge, Ralph. DVD authoring & production. TK7882.D93L33 2001 IN
Book Labarthe, Darwin. Health effects of modernization in Palau. Pac.RA558P3L3 IN
 3 Labby, David.
 3 Labelle, Marc.
Book Labelle, Marc, 1955- A summary of current information on the biology, fisheries and stock assessment of Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Pacific ocean, with recommendations for data requirements and future research. Pac.SH351.T8 T42 1998 no.36 IN
Mixed LaBerre, Weston Materials for a history of studies of crisis cults : a bibliographic essay. Pac.Per.GN1.C8 1964 v.12:1 IN
Book Labi, Liki Coconut replanting program in the Marshalls. Pac.S401.C6L33 1964 IN
Book Labor, Earle, 1928- The portable Jack London. PS3523.O46A6 1994 IN
Serial Laboratory for Atmospheres (Goddard Space Flight Center) Laboratory for Atmospheres : philosophy, organization, major activities, and ... highlights. Gov.NAS1.2:L11/12/(DATE) IN
Book Laboratory of Central Nervous System Studies (U.S.) Bibliography of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonism-dementia of Guam. Pac.RC382.B52 1983 IN
Book Labovitz, John R., 1943- Presidential impeachment. KF5075.L33 1978 IN
Book Labrada, R. Weedy rices : origin, biology, ecology and control. FAO.P694/5 2007 no.188 IN
Book Labrum, Beverly One small gift. CRC Pic.L32 1997 IN
 4 Lace, William W.
 3 Lacey, Robert.
Book Lacey, Roderic, joint ed. Oral tradition in Melanesia. Pac.DU740.5.O73 IN
Book Lacey, Sharon Tosi, 1968- author. Pacific blitzkrieg : World War II in the central Pacific. Pac.D767.9.L225 2013 IN
Book Lachièze-Rey, Marc. Cosmology : a first course. QB981.L2313 1995 IN
Book Lachmann, Thomas. Basic functions of language, reading and reading disability. P37.B337 2002 IN
Book Lack, David Lambert. Island biology, illustrated by the land birds of Jamaica. Pac.QH541.5.I8L3 IN
 2 Lackey, Mercedes.
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