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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Loberg, Margery Kirby, 1953- Social studies readers theatre for children : scripts and script development. PN2081.R4L395 1991 IN
Book Lobovikov, Maxim. World bamboo resources : a thematic study prepared in the framework of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005. FAO.SB317.B2W67 2007 IN
Book Lobus, Catherine Okray. Careers as a flight attendant : flight to the future. HD8039.A43L63 1996 IN
Serial Locally-Managed Marine Area Network. Annual report. Pac.GC1023.97.L63 IN
Book Lochhead, Marion. Renaissance of wonder : the fantasy worlds of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, George MacDonald, E. Nesbit, and others. PN1009.Z6L6 1980 IN
Book Lock, Stephen. The Oxford medical companion. Ref.RC41.O84 1994 IN
Book Lock, Steven A. Growth of the rabbitfish Siganus randalli Woodland in relation to the feasibility of its culture on Guam. Pac.QL636.5.S5T8 1992 no. 97 IN
Book Lockard, Craig A. Societies, networks, and transitions : a global history. D21.L79 2011 IN
Book Locke, Attica. Pleasantville. PS3612.O247P57 2015 IN
Book Locke, John. The reasonableness of christianity : as delivered in the scriptures. BR120.L6 1997 OUT
Book Locker, Thomas, 1937- ill. Grandfather's Christmas tree. CRC PZ7.S8965 2002 IN
Serial Lockhart, Bill Living art : Palau's story tellers.
Book Lockhart, David, illus. Treasury of Christmas stories. CRC Juv.17 1961 IN
Book Lockhart, E. We were liars. PZ7.L79757 2014 OUT
Book Lockhart, Laura. I-search, you search, we all learn to research: a how-to-do-it manual for teaching elementary school students to solve information problems. Z711.2.D86 2000 IN
Book Lockhart, Lisa editor. Nursing made incredibly easy. Per.RT1.N93 IN
Serial Lockhart, Saul. Micronesia : an overview.
Book Lockhart-Smith, C. J. Report on a feasibility survey for the establishment of a regional copra crushing mill within the region covered by the South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation region (SPEC) 24 March-9 May, 1974. Pac.SB401.C6C6 1974 IN
Book Lockie, Mark, 1972- Biometric technology. GN51.L63 2002 IN
 3 Lockley, Fred, 1871-
Book Lockman, Darcy, 1972- Volleyball for fun!. GV1015.34.L81 2006 IN
Book Lockwood, Brian A. (Brian Albert) Samoan village economy. Pac.HC687.S3L64 IN
 2 Lockwood, Charles A., 1890-1967.
Book Lockwood, Joanne S. Basic college mathematics : an applied approach. QA39.3.A3 2011 IN
Book Lockwood, John Francis Chambers Murray Latin-English dictionary. Ref.PA2365.E5S6 1987 IN
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