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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Vaughan, David J., 1955- Give me liberty : the uncompromising statesmanship of Patrick Henry. E302.6.H5V38 1997 IN
Book Vaughan, Marcia My Friends. CRC.Pic. V38 1993 IN
Book Vaughan, Marcia K. The secret to freedom. CRC PZ7.V452 2001 IN
Book Vaughan, Patrick. Manual of epidemiology for district health management. RA651.M28 1989 OUT
Book Vaughan, R. E. Annotated bibliography of Mascarene plant life : including the useful and ornamental plants of the region, covering the period 1609-1990. Pac.QK429.M27L86 1992 IN
Book Vaughan, Robert, 1937- Hawke : showdown at Dead End Canyon. PB VAN 2005 IN
Mixed Vaughan, Roger. The two worlds of Fiji. VerF 0554.95 Pac IN
Book Vaughan, Shannon K. Managing nonprofit organizations in a policy world. HD62.6.V38 2014 IN
Book Vaughn, Bruce, 1963- The borderlands of Southeast Asia : geopolitics, terrorism, and globalization. Gov.D 5.417/2:B 64 IN
Book Vaughn, Ellen Santilli. Gideon's torch. PS3553.O4767G5 1995 IN
Book Vaughn, Sharon Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems. LC4705.V46 2009 IN
 4 Vaughn, Sharon, 1952-
Serial Vaughn, Stephen M. Fishing and fiestas in Guam : an exploratory note on the reinforcement of cultural traditions.
Book Vayda, Andrew Peter. Peoples and cultures of the Pacific : an anthropological reader. Pac.GN662.V36 IN
Book Vazquez, Michael Colin. The dictionary of global culture. Ref.CB9.D53 1997 IN
Book Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel. Galíndez. PQ6672.A92G3513 1992 IN
Book Vazsonyi, Andrew Which door has the Cadillac : adventures of a real-life mathematician. QA29.D555V58 2002 IN
Book Vazzana, Anthony. Introduction to number theory. QA241.E4 2008 IN
Book Ve´lez-I., Carlos G. Bwang, a martial art of the Caroline Islands. Pac.GV1112.L3 IN
Book Vecchi, Vea. Making learning visible : children as individual and group learners. LB1140.25.I8M35 2001 IN
Video Vecchione, Judith. Vietnam, a television history. MITC VC 1031 IN
Serial Vecht, J. van der (Jacobus) Biosystematic studies of Ceylonese wasps, XVII : a revision of Sri Lankan and South Indian Bembix Fabricus (Hymenoptera: Sphecoidea: Nyssonidae). Gov. SI 1.27:451 IN
Book Veeck, Gregory, 1956- China's geography : globalization and the dynamics of political, economic, and social change. DS706.C44 2007 IN
Book Vega, Phyllis. Numerology for baby names. BF1623.P9V4 1998 IN
Mixed Vega, Rogelio R. Chemical control of plant diseases by seed treatment. VerF.0244Pac. IN
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