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  Author Title Call Number Status
 30 United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Book United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Public and Constituent Affairs. Turning to the Sea : America's ocean future. Gov.C55.2:OC2/15 IN
Serial United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Sea Grant. Seagrant today. Pac.Per.GC100.S43 IN
Book United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Sea Grant and Extramural Programs. Kosrae Island resource management plan. Pac. HC681.5 .K8 K687 IN
 440 United States National Park Service
 2 United States. National Park Service. Branch of Preservation Planning.
Book United States. National Park Service. Cultural Resources. Heritage Eco-Tourism Conference : findings & recommendations. Pac.G155.N67H47 2000 IN
Book United States. National Park Service. Division of Publications. Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Country Battlefields. Gov.I29.155:F 87/2010 IN
Book United States. National Park Service. Intermountain Region. Cultural Resources Management. Faraway Ranch Special History Study, Chiricahua National Monument. Gov.I 29.116:72 IN
Book United States. National Park Service. Intermountain Region. Cultural Resources Management. Archeology Program, Without parallel among relics : an archeological history of El Morro National Monument, New Mexico. Gov.I29.116:71/2013 IN
 2 United States. National Park Service. National Capital Region.
Book United States. National Park Service. National Capital Region. Office of Resource Stewardship and Science. Cultural landscape report Battleground National Cemetery : Civil War Defenses of Washington managed by Rock Creek Park, Washington, DC. Gov.I29.86/4: B 31/2 2014 IN
Book United States. National Park Service. National Capital Region. Office of Resource Stewardship and Science. Division of Cultural Resources, Cultural landscape report Antietam National Cemetery, Antietam National Battlefield, Sharpsburg, Maryland. Gov.I29.86/4:AN 8 IN
Book United States. National Park Service. Natural Resource Stewardship and Science. The historic trails of Rock Creek Park : Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C. Gov.I29.86/4:R 59/2013 IN
Book United States. National Park Service. Pacific West Region. Cultural landscape report, Aquatic Park, San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park. Gov.I 29.86/4:AQ 3 IN
 2 United States. National Park Service. Southeast Regional Office. Cultural Resources Division,
Book United States. National Park Service. Southeast Regional Office. Cultural Resources, Partnerships and Science Division, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Ocracoke Light Station cultural landscape report. Gov.I29.86/4:OC 6 IN
 2 United States. National Park Service. Western Regional Office.
 6 United States. National Park Services.
 2 United States National Park Services. Department of Interior. Pacific Great Basin Support Office.
 3 United States. National Park Services. Pacific Great Basin Support Office.
Book United States National ParkmService World War II Memorial. Gov.I29.155:W 89/2/2013 IN
Book United States. National Parks Service. The elak sra onak book v.1:1. Pac.CS2195.K67 2003 IN
 2 United States. National Science and Technology Council.
 2 United States. National Science and Technology Council. Air Quality Research Subcommittee.
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