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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Axelrod, Richard H., 1943- Terms of engagement : changing the way we change organizations. HD58.8.A94 2000 IN
Book Axelrod, Rise B. Reading critically, writing well : a reader and guide. PE1417.A89 2005 IN
Book Axeman, Lois. Pets. CRC Pic.V28 1977 OUT
Book Axinn, June. Social welfare : a history of the American response to need. HV91.A4 1992 IN
Mixed Axtman, Kris. What's behind decline in death sentences. VF 264 AXT 2004 IN
Book Axworthy, Anni, ill. Guess what I'll be.
Language Ayala, Ernest Chuck Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges agenda : January 8-9, 1998 public session.
Book Ayeni, O. Teaching health statistics : lesson and seminar outlines. RA409.T43 1999 IN
Book Ayer, Alfred Jules, 1910- The problem of knowledge. BD161.A94 1974 IN
 2 Ayer, Eleanor H.
 3 Ayers, Jerry F.
Book Ayers, Laura, Book cover and design. Together is better : collaborative assessment, evaluation & reporting. LB1576.T63 1992 IN
 5 Ayers, Patricia.
Book Ayers, William, 1944- To teach : the journey of a teacher. LB1025.3.A94 2001 IN
Book Ayers, William S. Stone adzes from Pohnpei, Micronesia. Pac.GC1.A72 IN
Book Ayin, Luke O. Nanp¯o Kaiiki Kenky¯u Sent¯a. On the devastated grassland in Palau and Yap, the Western Carolines.
 3 Ayissi, Anatole N.
Book Aylesworth, Jim. The completed hickory dickory dock. CRC Pic.A95 1990 OUT
Book Aylesworth, Thomas G. Territories and possessions : Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Wake, Midway, and other islands, Micronesia. Pac.F970.A95 1996 IN
Book Aylesworth, Virginia L. Territories and possessions : Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Wake, Midway, and other islands, Micronesia. Pac.F970.A95 1996 IN
Book Ayling, Stanley Edward. Nineteenth-century gallery: portraits of power and rebellion. D352.5.A1 1970 IN
Mixed Aylward, R Bruce The impact of immunization control activities on measles outbreaks in middle and low income countries. VerF.093.2 Pac. IN
Book Ayres, Ian. Why not? : how to use everyday ingenuity to solve problems big and small. HD30.29.N35 2003 IN
Book Ayres, Jak, 1947- joint author. Fieldbook of Pacific Northwest sea creatures. QL138.M456 1979 IN
Book Ayres, Rachel M. Analysis of wastewater for use in agriculture : a laboratory manual of parasitological and bacteriological techniques. BTL QW25.A2 1996 box 110B IN
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