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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Westheimer, Ruth K. (Ruth Karola), 1928- All in a lifetime : an autobiography. RC438.6.W47A3 1987 IN
Book Westhuis, Judith Loveys. Cataloging manual for nonbook materials in learning centers and school libraries. Z695.W47 1971 IN
Book Westin, Lars. Music in Sweden. ML313 .B47 1998 IN
Book Westin, Susan Associate Director International Relations and Trade Issues, National Security and International Affairs Division. Foreign assistance : U.S. funds to two Micronesian nations had little impact on economic development and accountability over funds was limited : statement of Susan Westin, Associate Director, International Relations and Trade Issues, National Security on Asia and the Pacific, Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives. Gov.GA1.5/2:T-NSIAD/RCED-00-22 IN
 4 Westin, Susan S.
Book Westin, Susan S., Associate Director, International Relations and Trade Issues. Foreign assistance : U.S. funds to two Micronesian nations had little impact on economic development. Pac.HC681.7.M5U52 2000 IN
 2 Westinghouse Electric Corporation.
Book Westinghouse Ocean Research Laboratory. Acanthaster planci : impact on Pacific coral reefs. Pac.QL384.A8W47 1969 IN
Book Westlake, Donald E. 361. PB WES 2005 OUT
Book Westlake, Michael John. Demand for products of irrigated agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. FAO.HD1741.A357 IN
 2 Westlund, Lena.
Book Westmacott, Susie. Management of bleached and severely damaged coral reefs. QH541.5.M35 2000 IN
Book Westman, Barbara. The beard and the braid; drawings of Cambridge,. CRC F74.C1W52 1970 IN
Book Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia, Pa.) The infallible Word : a symposium. BS480.W48 1946 IN
 2 Weston, Anthony, 1954.
Book Weston, J. Fred (John Fred), 1916- Essentials of managerial finance. HG4011.W42 1992 IN
Book Weston, Martha. The Brown paper school presents : The I hate mathematics! book. CRC QA40.5.B87 1975 IN
 3 Weston, Martha, ill.
Book Weston-Ramirez, Barbara. Baby read-aloud basics : fun and interactive ways to help your little one discover the world of words. LB1139.5.R43B58 2006 IN
Book Weston, Reiko. Cooking the Japanese way. TX724.5.J3W47 2002 IN
Book Weston-Smith, Miranda. The encyclopaedia of ignorance: everything you ever wanted to know about the unknown. Ref.Q158.5.E53 1977 IN
 13 Westphal, Laurie E., 1967-
Book Westra, Laura. Reconciling human existence with ecological integrity : science, ethics, economics and law. Ref.QH541.15.E245R43 2008 IN
Book Westra, Richard, 1954- Reconciling human existence with ecological integrity : science, ethics, economics and law. Ref.QH541.15.E245R43 2008 IN
Video Wetherington, Kevin Research skills. how to find information. MITC DVD 240 IN
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