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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Jaireth, Subhash. Yashodhara : six seasons without you. PQ7495.J19 2003 IN
 4 Jakab, Cheryl.
Book Jakarta Tsunami Information Centre. Where the first wave arrives in minutes : Indonesian lessons on surviving tsunamis near their sources : public knowledge, natural warnings, and evacuation strategies that helped people live through fast-arriving tsunamis in Aceh and southern Java. Pac.GC222.I45 W44 2010 IN
 2 Jakes, John, 1932-
Book Jalal, Imrana Good governance in the South Pacific : 2001 Parkinson Memorial Lecture Series. Pac.JQ6301.A58G66 2002 IN
Book Jalali, Ali Ahmad The other side of the mountain : Mujahideen tactics in the Soviet-Afghan war. Gov.D214.13M 86 1995 IN
Book Jalongo, Mary Renck. Creating learning communities : the role of the teacher in the 21st century. LB41.J23 1991 IN
Book James, Ann. Looking out for Sampson. CRC PZ7.H28L 1988 IN
Book James, Ann ill. Snap. CRC.Pic. B34 1996 IN
Book James, Barbara, 1953- Conserving the polar regions. QH77.P64J35 1990 IN
Book James, Benjamin Local Fisherman's Workshop : basic sea safety, fishing & outboard motor : learner's guide. Pac.GC24.L78 2003 IN
Book James, Brian, 1976- The shark who was afraid of everything. CRC Pic.J23 2002 OUT
Book James C. Buckley, Inc. Technical qualifications and proposed technical approach to planning, site selection and design of Kusaie airport in coordination with planned development of Okat harbor. Pac.TL726.9.K8T43 1974 IN
Serial James Cook University World War II underwater cultural heritage sites in Truk lagoon : Consider a case for world heritage listing. Pac.D767.99.M3J35 2004 IN
Book James, D. Sixth World Congress on Seafood Safety, Quality and Trade : 14-16 September 2005, Sydney, Australia. FAO.SH3.F27 2007 no.7 IN
 2 James, David.
 2 James, E. L.
Book James, E. L., author. Grey. PR6110.A4555 G74 2015 OUT
Book James, E. O. The cult of the mother-goddess. BL2525.J35 1994 IN
Video James E. Thompson. NADIA : on Nadia Comanache, Romania. MITC VC 117 IN
Video James Edgar Carmen Gonzales's speech class. MITC DVD 1387 IN
Book James, Eloisa. Pleasure for pleasure. PB JAM 2006 OUT
 3 James, Floria
Book James, Gary, 1939- Interactive listening on campus : authentic academic mini-lectures. PE1128.J29 1992 IN
Book James, Genie. From belly fat to belly flat : how your hormones are adding inches to your waistline and subtracting years from your life. RM222.2.R15 2008 IN
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