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Technical Meeting on Co-operatives (4th : 1973 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Fourth Technical Meeting on Co-operatives, Noumea, New Caledonia, 19-23 March 1973 : report.
Pac.HD3570.O3T4 1973
Technical Meeting on cooperatives (2nd : 1961 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Report and recommendations.
Pac.HD3570.T4 1961
Technical Meeting on Cooperatives (3rd : 1965 : Suva, Fiji)
Report with conclusions and recommendations and background papers.
Pac.HD3570.T4 1965
Technical Meeting on Cooperatives (1958 : Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea)
Cooperatives in the South Pacific : report of the Technical Meeting on Cooperatives held under South Pacific Commission auspices at Port Moresby from July 21 to August 1, 1958.
Pac.HD3570.T4 1958
Technical Meeting on Fisheries.
Technical Meeting on Fisheries (6th : 1973 : Suva, Fiji)
Sixth Technical Meeting on Fisheries, Suva, Fiji, 23-27 July, 1973 : Report.
Pac.SH319.A2R43 1973
Technical Meeting on Fisheries (7th : 1974 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Seventh Technical Meeting on Fisheries, Nuku'alofa, Tonga, 15-19 July, 1974 : Report.
Pac.SH319.A2R43 1974
Technical Meeting on Livestock Production and Health (1966 : Suva, Fiji).
Technical meeting on livestock production and health, Suva, Fiji 5-14 July 1966 : report with background papers.
Pac.SF5.T43 1966a
Technical Meeting on Plant Protection (1967 : Pago Pago, American Samoa)
Pac.SB599.T43 1967
Technical Meeting on Statistical Development (1995 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Technical Meeting on Statistical Development (Noumea, New Caledonia, 13-15 September 1995) : report.
Pac.HA37.O32T43 1995
Technical Meeting on the Development of Criteria for the Acceptability of Previous Cargoes for Fats and Oils Being Transported in Bulk (2006 : Bilthoven, Netherlands)
Development of criteria for acceptable previous cargoes for fats and oils : report of a joint FAO/WHO technical meeting, Bilthoven, Netherlands 7-9 November 2006.
FAO.TP669.5.T43 2006
Technical Meeting on Tropical Fruits (except Bananas) (1972 : Barotonga).
Technical Meeting on Tropical Fruits (except Bananas) Report.
Pac.SB359.T43 1973
Technical Meeting on Tropical Pastures and Beef Production (1969 : Queensland, Australia)
Pac.SF5.T433 1969
Technical Meeting on Urban Local Government (1964 : Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea)
Technical Meeting on Urban Local Government, Port Moresby, Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 27th July-7th August, 1964 : report and recommendations.
Pac.JS44.T43 1964
Technical meeting to review the progress of the Pacific Regional Information System (2003: Noumea, New Caledonia)
Technical meeting to review the progress of the Pacific Regional Information System (PRISM) project, Noumea, New Caledonia, 11-12 September 2003): meeting report.
Pac.HA402.T22 2003
Technical Workshop on Pacific Food Composition Tables (1st : 1986 : Suva, Fiji)
First technical workshop on Pacific food composition tables, Suva, Fiji, 24-28 February 1986 : report and proceedings.
Pac.TX511.T43 1986
Technische Universitat Clausthal.
Pacific mineral resources : physical, economic, and legal issues ; proceedings of the Pacific Marine Mineral Resources Training Course held at the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 4-28, 1985.
Pac.GC1001.P32 1986
Technology and Development Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu.
A new kind of sugar : tourism in the Pacific.
Pac.G155.O3F5 1977
Technology and Development Institute. East West Center Honolulu, Hawaii.
Youth development conference.
Pac. HQ799 Y63
Ted Oxborrow & Associates.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands : final report.
Pac.Z732.C732C66 1978
Tedder, M. M.
Yams, a description of their cultivation on Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands /|.
Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.169
Teel, William.
From the South Seas : Oceanic art in the Teel collection.
Pac.N7410.F76 2006
Teelander, Ryan.
Documentation of Mortlockese giant swamp taro cultivars and other local foods on Ta, Moch, and Satowan, May 2006.
Pac.SB211.T2L46 2006
Teeuwen, Mark
A new history of Shinto.
BL2218.B74 2010
Teeuwen, Mark, author.
A social history of the Ise shrines : divine capital.
BL2225.I8I7975 2017