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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Mitchell, Jean. Kilim taem. MITC VC 944 IN
Book Mitchell, Jim. The young Indiana Jones chronicles. CRC Pic.Y68 1992 IN
Book Mitchell, John A. The grizzly bears of Yellowstone : their ecology in the Yellowstone ecosystem, 1959-1992. QL737.C27C72 1995 IN
Book Mitchell, Kate L., 1909- Industrialization of the Western Pacific : an economic survey of the Pacific Area Part III. Pac.HC412.M5 1971 IN
Book Mitchell, Letila. Situational analysis of cultural industries in the Pacific. Pac.GN662.G46 2012 IN
Book Mitchell Library, Sydney. Dictionary catalog of printed books. Pac.Z4009.S83 v.1 IN
Book Mitchell, Lynda. A directory of libraries and information resources in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Pac.Z870.L77 1990. IN
Book Mitchell, Maranne. Introduction to counseling and guidance. BF637.C6G48 1990 IN
 2 Mitchell, Margaret
 2 Mitchell, Margaret, 1900-1949.
Book Mitchell, Marianne. Development and management of counseling programs and guidance services. LB1027.5.G457 1983 IN
Book Mitchell, Marianne , joint author. Introduction to guidance. LB1027.5.G459 1981 IN
Book Mitchell, Maurice. Culture, cash and housing : community and tradition in low-income building. Pac.HN981.C6M5 1992 IN
Book Mitchell, Nina H. Mathematical applications in agriculture. S566.M58 2012 IN
Serial Mitchell, Paula Africa, financial sectors : a guide to the financial infrastructure of sub-Saharan Africa. Gov.C61.8:AF8/2 IN
Book Mitchell, Rita. The breast health cookbook : fast and simple recipes to reduce the rist of cancer. RC280.B8 A757 2002 IN
Serial Mitchell, Roger E. Kubary : the first Micronesian reporter.
Book Mitchell, Roger E. 1925- Micronesian folktales. Pac.GR385.M5M56 1973 IN
Book Mitchell, Roger Edward, 1925- A study of the cultural, historical, and acculturative factors influencing the repertoires of the two Trukese informants, vol. 1. Pac.GR385.T7M4 IN
Book Mitchell, Ross Edward. Testing deaf students in an age of accountability. HV2545.T28 2008 IN
Video Mitchell, Shannon Green peace : preserving sea turtles. MITC VC 266 IN
Book Mitchell, Stephen, 1943- Letters to a young poet. PT2635.I65Z488 1984 IN
 2 Mitchell, Stephen A., 1959-
Book Mitchell Theodore United States court of appeals for the ninth circuit. Pac.KF209.U55 IN
Mixed Mitchell, Thomas N. Genetic basis of total colourblindness among Pingelapese islanders. Pac.RE921.S7 2000 c.4 IN
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