View previous page View next page Author Search:  Stafford, D. M. 1927-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Stone, Alan, 1931- Regulation and its alternatives. KF1600.S69 1982 IN
 3 Stone, Benjamin
 8 Stone, Benjamin C.
Book Stone, Benjamin C., Formerly Chairman, Department of Biology, College of Guam; Reader in Botany in the School of Biological Sciences of The University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) The flora of Guam : a manual for the identification of the vascular plants of the island. Pac.QK473G9S75 IN
Book Stone, Benjamin C., Res. Asst., Botany Dept., University of Hawaii. A brief field guide to the plants of Majuro, Marshall Islands. Pac.QK473.M37S7 IN
 2 Stone, Christopher
Book Stone, David J. Free association must be free: (or--why in certain circumstances, Micronesians may feel that independence is best). Pac.JQ6451.A5S75 IN
 13 Stone, Donna K.
Book Stone, Earl L. The soils and agriculture of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands. Pac.S599.8.M33S7 1951 IN
 2 Stone, Gregory S.
 2 Stone, Jeannette Galambos.
 2 Stone, Jon.
Book Stone, Kazuko G., ill. Cool melons--turn to frogs! : the life and poems of Issa. CRC PL797.2.Z5G65 1998 IN
Book Stone, Kyle M., ill. I love my pirate papa. CRC PZ8.3.L565 2007 IN
Book Stone, Marraccini & Patterson Architects and Planners. Design development : the Truk District Hospital. Pac.RA967.D47 1967 IN
Video Stone, Oliver Untold history of the United States. MITC DVD 728 A IN
 2 Stone, Ruth M.
Book Stone, Sarah. Art and artifacts of the 18th century; objects in the Leverian Museum as painted by Sarah Stone. Pac.ND1942.S8A4 IN
Book Stone, Scott C.S., 1932- The island of Hawaii : frop sail tospace. Pac.DU628.H28S7 1997 IN
Video Stone, Shelby The middle passage. MITC DVD 356 IN
 4 Stone, Starla.
Book Stone, Tom B. Little pet werewolf. CRC Juv.S76 1995 IN
Serial Stone, Virginia. Transgenic fish research : a bibliography : a selected bibliography of research in the field of molecular biology and genetic engineering using fresh water fish. Gov.A1.60/3:117 IN
Book Stone, William Standish, 1907- Idylls of the South Seas. Pac.GR385.T3S8 IN
 5 Stonebarger, Bill.
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