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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Larsgaard, Mary Lynette, 1946-
Book Larson, Elsie J. Dawn's early light.
Book Larson, Eric Herman, 1931- Nukufero: a Tikopian colony in the Russell Islands. Pac.DU580.L34 1966 IN
Book Larson, Erik. Isaac's storm : a man, a time, and the deadliest hurricane in history. F394.G2L32 2000 IN
Book Larson, Gary. Unnatural selections : a Far side collection. CRC NC1429.L32F22 1991 IN
Book Larson, Gary N., 1954- The new Unger's Bible handbook. Ref.BS417.U5 1984 IN
Book Larson, H. K. (Helen K.) A key to the families of fishes as recorded from Guam. Pac.SH319.M3J66 1974 IN
Book Larson, Harold, 1901- The Transportation Corps : operations overseas. Gov.D114.7:T68 IN
Book Larson, James F. Television's window on the world. PN4888.T4L32 1984 IN
Book Larson, Kirby. Hattie Big Sky. PZ7.L32394Hat 2006 IN
Book Larson, Mary Jo. Teaching English as a foreign language to large, multilevel classes. PE1128.A2T43 1992 IN
Mixed Larson, R. Bruce Marijuana in Truk.
Book Larson, Robert Bruce. Sojourning and Personhood : College Students Return to Truk, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.DU568.C48L3776 1989 IN
 3 Larson, Roland E.
Book Larson, Ron. Elementary algebra. QA152.L32 2010 IN
 2 Larson, Ron, 1941-
Book Larson, Wendy. Gender in motion : divisions of labor and cultural change in late imperial and modern China. HQ1075.5.C6G46 2004 IN
Book Larson, William E., 1921- Soil and water resources : research priorities for the nation. S591.55.U6S3 1981 IN
 3 Larsson, Stieg, 1954-2004.
Book LAS-UNIDIR Symposium on Establishing a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East (2003 : Cairo, Egypt) Building a weapons of mass destruction free zone in the Middle East : global non-proliferation regimes and regional experiences. Doc.KZ5770.L37 2004 IN
Book Lascarides, V. Celia. History of early childhood education / V. Celia Lascarides and Blythe F. Hinitz. LB1139.23.L39 2000 IN
Mixed Laschefski, Klemens. Saving the wood. VF 33 LAS 2001 IN
Book Lascom, Adrian, What is an insect?. CRC QL467.2.S63 1992 IN
Book Lascom, Adrian, ill. What is an insect?. CRC QL467.2.S63 1992 IN
 2 Laser Publishing Group.
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