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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Gillespie, James R. Modern livestock and poultry production. SF61.G54 2010 IN
 3 Gillespie, Janet G.
 3 Gillespie, John Thomas, 1928-
Serial Gillespie, Lynn J. A contribution to the Guianan flora : Dalechampia, Haematostemon, Omphalea, Pera, Plukenetia, and Tragia (Euphorbiaceae) with notes on subfamily Acalyphoideae. Gov. SI 1.29:86 IN
Mixed Gillespie, Richard E. Executive Director, The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGAHR). Amelia Earhart's bones and shoes? : current anthropological perspectives on an historical mystery. VerF 0815.01 Pac IN
 2 Gillespie, Stuart (Stuart R.)
Book Gillet, Jean Wallace. Language arts : learning processes and teaching practices. LB1576.T24 1989 IN
 2 Gillett, Keith.
Book Gillett, Mary C. The Army Medical Department, 1917-1941. Gov.D114.19:M 46/917-941 IN
Book Gillett, Preston. The market for Pacific Island fish jerky in Honolulu, Seattle and Southern California : a report prepared for the South Pacific Commission. Pac.HD9468.O32G55 l996 IN
Book Gillett, Preston and Associates. The ecosystem approach to coastal fisheries and aquaculture in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. Pac.SH319.A2P92 2009 IN
 16 Gillett, R. D.
 6 Gillett, Robert
Serial Gillett, Robert D. Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) for seafood exports : the situation in selected Pacific Island countries: a report prepared for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Pac.TX 601.G529 1997 IN
Book Gillette, Gary ed. The 2006 ESPN baseball encyclopedia. Ref.GV877.T93 2006 IN
Book Gilliam, Bret. Deep diving : an advanced guide to physiology, procedures and systems. GV840.S78G48 1992 IN
Book Gilliatt, Sarah. Nonviolence in Hawaii's spiritual traditions. Pac.BL65.V55N66 1991 IN
Book Gilligan, Carol, 1936- In a different voice : psychological theory and women's development. HQ1206.G58 1982 IN
Book Gilliland, Ann Owens Peleliu : remembered. Pac.D769.99.P4G41 1994 IN
Book Gilliland, John M. Health problems related to the tourist industry in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands/. Pac.RA558.M5G41 1969 IN
Book Gillilland, Cora Lee C. The stone money of Yap : a numismatic survey. Pac. DU 568 .Y3 G54 c.4 IN
Book Gillis, Melissa Disarmament : a basic guide. Doc.HC79.D4G53 2012 IN
Mixed Gillison, A.N. The Management of mangrove forest systems in Micronesia : a preliminary report.
Book Gillmar, Jack. The impact of an in-country peace corps training program on the host community : an investigation of an in-country Peace Corps training program conducted in Microneisa during the summer of 1968,. Pac.HC60.5.G41 1968 IN
Book Gillmor, Frances, 1903. The king danced in the marketplace. F1219.G47 1964 IN
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